Open up a delicate new life style for
mum & babies.

~~ Baby Essentials ~~

What Parents Are Saying

I feel like out of all the items I purchased for my baby, this is by far the best one ever!!! I really wish I had this with my other two pregnancies. It’s a game changer! I co-sleep and this makes it’s soo much easier and gives me piece of mind for sure. The size is perfect for laying my baby next to me in bed. The support cushion material isn’t too much but isn’t too little either. The appearance is a little odd but I don’t care because my baby loves sleeping in it!


I feel it was worth the money 100%. We've been using this for 3 days now and love it. We have the little one in a regular cot and it's just too open for a newborn. I genuinely feel like he sleeps better in this pad. It's great for transferring him whilst sleeping between places, such as our bed to his cot or from room to room, just pick up the whole pad and he's none the wiser.


If you’re looking for a soft, pillow to help your baby sleep in his/her bassinet throughout the night, this is definitely a pillow you want to invest in! It completely changed the game for us! 🥰💙

Michelle C.